3 ways to hide your Lav Mic with The Invisible Lav Covers - Moleskin | Tea Break Tips

3 ways to hide your Lav Mic with The Invisible Lav Covers - Moleskin | Tea Break Tips

The Invisible Lav Covers - Moleskin are the ultimate tool for invisibility and noise reduction when hiding your lavalier mic. In this video, Aj demonstrates 3 of our favourite ways to hide a lavali...
3 ways to hide your Lav Mic with The Invisible Lav Covers - Fur Outdoor

3 ways to hide your Lav Mic with The Invisible Lav Covers - Fur Outdoor

The Invisible Lav Covers - Fur Outdoor are the ultimate tool for wind protection and noise reduction when hiding your lavalier mic. In this video, Aj and Caleb demonstrate 3 of our favourite ways t...
How to stop unwanted noise when hiding a Lav Mic

How to stop unwanted noise when hiding a Lav Mic

Clothing noise and fabric rustle can be a real pain when hiding a lavalier microphone. Thankfully there are tools that can help to reduce this noise. In this video, Caleb demonstrates how you can u...
3 ways to hide your Lav Mic using The Invisible Lav Covers - Original

3 ways to hide your Lav Mic using The Invisible Lav Covers - Original

The Invisible Lav Covers - Original are the ultimate tool for transparency and invisibility when hiding your lavalier mic.In this video, Aj demonstrates 3 of our favourite ways to hide a lavalier m...
Choosing the best Invisible Lav Covers for hiding your mic - What's the difference?
Fur Outdoor

Choosing the best Invisible Lav Covers for hiding your mic - What's the difference?

There are 3 variations of Invisible Lav Covers: Original, Moleskin, and Fur Outdoor. But what's the difference? In this video, Aj talks through the differences between the 3 versions of Invisible L...
Using The Lav Concealer with The Invisible Lav Covers - Fur Outdoor
The Invisible Lav Covers

Using The Lav Concealer with The Invisible Lav Covers - Fur Outdoor

Caleb talks us through how to use The Invisible Lav Covers - Fur Outdoor in tandem with The Lav Concealer to protect your lav mic against the wind and clothes rustle.
How to fit the Invisible Lav Covers - Moleskin

How to fit the Invisible Lav Covers - Moleskin

The Invisible Lav Covers Moleskin are our new super-quiet lav mic mounts which excel where space is tight, retaining a transparent natural sound from the microphone. They are made of sustainably so...
Hiding a Sennheiser ME2-II Lav Mic in a Shirt and Tie
The Invisible Lav Covers

Hiding a Sennheiser ME2-II Lav Mic in a Shirt and Tie

Should you need to mic someone up with a Sennheiser G4 wireless system and the included ME2-II lavalier mic, we have created a step-by-step guide to using The Lav Concealer for ME2-II in a shirt an...
Invisible Lav Covers Original and Fur Outdoor Comparison at Lake Havasu, Arizona

Invisible Lav Covers Original and Fur Outdoor Comparison at Lake Havasu, Arizona

We had the chance to do a test comparison of two variants of Bubblebee Invisible Lav Covers - Original and Fur Outdoor - at London Bridge Beach in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. There was a fair wind o...