The brand new Lav Concealer for the DPA 6060 Subminiature mic is here, and it's the smallest, quietest concealer available. The Lav Concealer for 6060 comes in Singles in black or white, or a 6-pack with 3 of each colour. Available to order now online and from all official Bubblebee dealers.
Soft rubber absorbs shock and vibrations
The Lav Concealer for 6060 is made of 100% natural rubber and comes with two fabric guards (a high and a low one) and a capsule lock, made of metal. The rubber acts as a shock mount, absorbing vibrations and fricton, while its combination with the metal fabric guards prevents vibrations transferring between materials, making this the quietest mount available for your 6060 or 6061.
Tiny size makes hiding the 6060 easy
We put a lot of effort into the design, making the 6060 concealer as small as physically possible while still able to make space around the capsule when mounted. It is a tiny concealer, just 4mm high (the 6060 capsule is 3mm in diameter) and 15mm on its longest side.
Metal fabric guards stop friction reaching the mic
Energy has trouble when it has to move between two materials. That's why our metal fabric guard is so effective at staving off vibrations. They may affect the metal, but they won't be able to transfer to the rubber and therefore are stopped dead before reaching the mic capsule.
Custom moulded from 100% natural rubber, no harmful chemicals
We only make it in black and white as there are no harmful chemicals used in producing those colours. The 100% natural rubber is biodegradable and the environment will thank you for this consideration.
The Lav Concealer for DPA 6060 is now available for order from all official Bubblebee Industries dealers around the world. Find your nearest BBI dealer →